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Montgomery Catholic’s Beesley, Gilbert and Green Will Attend HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar

Montgomery Catholic's Beesley, Gilbert and Green Will Attend HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar 1
Jonathon Green
Montgomery Catholic's Beesley, Gilbert and Green Will Attend HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar 2
Kathleen Beesley
Montgomery Catholic's Beesley, Gilbert and Green Will Attend HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar 3
Abaigeal Gilbert

Kathleen Beesley, Abaigeal Gilbert and Jonathon Green have been selected to represent Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School as Ambassadors for HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership) this Spring.  The Seminar will be held at Troy University.

HOBY is the nation’s foremost Youth Leadership Seminar that over 9,000 deserving high school sophomores from across the country will attend.  Their mission is to inspire and develop the global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation.  

Kathleen Beesley is the daughter of Mr. Randal Beesley and Mrs. Christine Bruton of Montgomery. 
Abaigeal Gilbert is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. Cameron Gilbert of Montgomery. 
Jonathan Green is the son of Col. and Mrs. Russell Green of Montgomery.

Congratulations to them all!

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