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Montgomery Catholic Wrestling Brings Home First from St. Clair County

The Montgomery Catholic Wrestling Team finished 15-18 with only 7 wrestlers the weekend of January 16-17 at the Jeremy Ragsdale Invitational in St. Clair County. Zachary Van Alst won 1st at 122 lbs and Gabe Keating was able to beat one of the top rank wrestlers at 154 lbs. Zachary Van Alst is ranked 1st at 122 lbs in the Class 1-5A Wrestling Division, and Gabe Keating received Honorable Mention at 154 lbs in the Class1-5A Wrestling Division. Congratulations to our Wrestling Knights!

Montgomery Catholic Wrestling Brings Home First from St. Clair County 1
Gabe Keating a junior at Montgomery Catholic received Honorable Mention at 154 lbs in the Class1-5A Wrestling Division.

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