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Montgomery Catholic Varsity Cheerleaders Shine at UCA Cheer Camp

Montgomery Catholic Varsity Cheerleaders Shine at UCA Cheer Camp 1The Lady Knights recently returned from a Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) summer camp held at Auburn University. As part of the four-day camp curriculum, the cheerleaders were awarded numerous Superior Ribbons and the Spirit Stick each night for demonstrating teamwork, spirit, enthusiasm, and ability. The girls earned a Spirit Stick to bring home for their trophy case as well as a Superior Trophy for the final day Cheer & Extreme Routine evaluation.

Six Montgomery Catholic cheerleaders were nominated for “All-Star” status. Seniors Kaitlyn Roberts, Hannah Been, and Haley Scanlan. Juniors Molly McLaughlin, Sarah Armstrong, and Jessica Barranco. Each of the girls were judged on motion technique, jumps, spirit, enthusiasm, and voice projection. Jessica Barranco was selected as a UCA “All-Star.”

Pictured with Auburn University’s Mascot Aubie are the Montgomery Catholic Varsity Cheerleaders: kneeling Haley Scanlan, Sarah Armstrong, Hannah Been, Marissa Marmolejo, and Jessica Barranco. Standing are Kaitlyn Roberts, Brittany Wilkinson, Jessica Mount, and Molly McLaughlin. The cheerleaders are coached by Mrs. Debbie Barranco and Miss Michelle Vinson.

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