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Montgomery Catholic Shines at National Catholic Education Association Conference

Montgomery Catholic Shines at National Catholic Education Association Conference 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School was well represented at the National Catholic Education Association’s (NCEA) annual conference recently held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Montgomery Catholic sent 19 members of our faculty and administration from all three campuses to NCEA, with Lee Anne Barranco and Nick Bourke presenting a seminar on our award-winning Science Olympiad program at the conference. Our Archbishop Thomas Rodi was the celebrant for the closing Mass at the NCEA conference.

Montgomery Catholic’s NCEA Delegation: pictured L to R, row 1: St. Bede Principal Laurie Gulley, Middle School English and Latin teacher Kerri Moore, School President Anne Ceasar, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Middle School Math teacher Julie Flowers, High School Principal Fran Taylor, and Sixth grade teacher Nick Bourke. Row 2: Elementary Media Specialist Lee Anne Barranco, First grade teacher Tina Rutland, Fifth grade Shelley Herbek, Middle School Principal Maria Nolen, High School Social Studies teacher Sue Terino, Elementary Technology teacher Ruth Glenboski, High School Theology chairman Tom Riello, Middle/High School Resource teacher Tina Tynan, High School Guidance Counselor Beverly Barnette, Middle School Social Studies teacher Mark McGuire, Fourth grade teacher Kerin Wood, Public Relations/Development Director Mary Kelley (behind the camera), and High School English teacher John Conway (not pictured).

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