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Montgomery Catholic Raises Money for Arthritis

Montgomery Catholic Raises Money for Arthritis 1As part of our community outreach, Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the 19th annual Jingle Bell Run for the Arthritis Foundation at Huntingdon College on December 5th, raising over $2,000 for the cause.

Montgomery Catholic’s team left their mark on the event. Eighth grader Gregory Hunkins won 1st place in his age group. Montgomery Catholic Senior Brianna McClure won 3rd place for her age group. Montgomery Catholic’s team of 40 runners and walkers was the 5th top fundraising team out of over 60 teams. Laurie Gulley, Vice Principal of the St. Bede Campus, was the 5th top fundraising individual out of 1,300 participants.

Many thanks to all of the Montgomery Catholic team members for their dedication to such a worthy cause. They were Roscoe Anderson, David Been, Elizabeth Been, Justin Castanza, Anne Ceasar, Shannon Cheney, Tricia Crowley, Joe Crowley, Susan Duke, Megan Foran, Rachel Forsyth, Aidan Gilbert, Alexandra Gilbert, Cam Gilbert, Laurie Gulley, Lynn Higgins, Steven Higgins, Jacob Hudson, Meghan Hudson, Christine Hunkins, Gregory Hunkins, Mark Hunkins, Thad Hunkins, Faith Johnston, Melynda Keating, Mary Kelley, Allie Manzari, Dan Manzari, Ellen Manzari, Nick Manzari, AJ Mayhan, Brianna McClure, Bryan McClure, Chris Phillips, Debbie Redden, Michael Stewart, Jerry Taff, Jessica Taff, Fran Taylor, John Terino, and Lizzie Terino.

To view photos from the event, click here:

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