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Montgomery Catholic Key Club Hosts Party at Wesley Gardens

Montgomery Catholic Key Club Hosts Party at Wesley Gardens 1

Montgomery Catholic’s Key Club members hosted a St Patrick’s Day party for the residents at Wesley Gardens Retirement Home in Montgomery.  With residents and students alike dressed in green, they all celebrated with green cupcakes, green grapes, green apples, and of course, green drinks.  The residents especially enjoyed the 50’s music and the impromptu dancing of the students.  There were lots of smiles and laughter in the room as the residents shared happy memories with the students.  One of the happiest residents in attendance that day was none other than Mrs. Georgette Sadler, proud 1935 graduate of St. Mary of Loretto, the founding school of Montgomery Catholic, which was established in 1873.  The 50 Montgomery Catholic Key Club members collectively have served over 1,000 hours so far this year including doing yard work for the elderly through the Montgomery Area Council on Aging and serving the needy through Christmas Clearinghouse.  The Key Club is a high school service organization sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis Club. 

Pictured:  Montgomery Catholic junior Kathy Edwards smiles with Mrs. Georgette Sadler, a 1935 Catholic graduate during the St. Patrick’s Day party hosted by the Key Club at Wesley Gardens.

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