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Montgomery Catholic Junior, Alex Castanza named 2013 Chief Justice at the YMCA Youth Judicial Conference

After several weeks of preparation that included memorizing depositions, preparing direct and cross examination questions, attending officer training and long team practices, a total of 43 Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School students participated in the 2012 YMCA Youth Judicial Conference, which was held November 10-11, here in Montgomery.  These students, along with their attorney coaches, worked diligently to prepare either the prosecution or the defense side of the case.  Trials were held in the chambers of the Federal Courthouse of the Middle District of Alabama.  While the competition was stiff, our students fared extremely well!  The following 6 teams competed:

For the prosecution:
2011 Premier League competition winners Gaton Armstrong, McKinlee Houghland, Ashley Karst, Mary McLaughlin, Alli Micher, Jennifer Tyner and Tucker Wilkinson worked with attorneys Ali and Ray Hawthorne once again this year and placed in the Top 20.   

Half of the team made up of Baines Deal, Carmen Espinoza, Zach Hulcher, Paul Overton, Dean Rodopoulos, Bennie Taylor and Michael Tyner competed for the first time this year and did very well.  They were coached by Nicole McArthur and Jacob Jeter and placed in the Top 20.

The prosecution team coached by Lydia Yancey and made up of Agnes Armstrong, Emily Barranco, Kathleen Beesley, Abaigeal Gilbert, Emily Lafreniere and Nadine Moussalli won top honors in the Premier League!

For the defense:
Coached by Mike Harper, the Premier League team made up of Ali Harper, Aubrey Lenn, Alex Nyairo, Elizabeth Overton, Taylor Pitters and Emily Walker competed well against their competition.

The defense team, made up of Ashley Barranco, Ann Marie Dean, Andrea Hayes, Monica McCann, Anna McCracken and Trey Vaughan, was once again coached by Richard Dean.  This team was fierce and placed in the Top 20.

Laurel Crawford once again coached her team to the Top 10.  This team included Chad DuBois, Sydney Jarman, Megan Karst, Katie Lafreniere (who was named the “fashionista” of the weekend), Jack Starr, Maggie Starr and Natalie Sullivan.

Representing MCPS as Officers of the Court were Judge Stefan Perritano and his Bailiff, James Sherman.  Alex Castanza served as Bailiff for the Chief Justice, his 2nd year in that position.  

The culmination of the weekend was the election and swearing in of the 2013 Chief Justice, MCPS Junior, Alex Castanza.  Alex is the son of Mike and Diane Castanza.

Special thanks go to the attorneys who helped prepare our students, to the many parents to came to watch the trials, and to Abby Beesley and Steve Perritano who were tireless chaperones!

Montgomery Catholic Junior, Alex Castanza named 2013 Chief Justice at the YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 1
Alex Castanza elected as the 2013 YMCA Youth Judicial Chief Justice
Montgomery Catholic Junior, Alex Castanza named 2013 Chief Justice at the YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 2

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