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Montgomery Catholic High School Students Serve the Community

Montgomery Catholic High School Students Serve the Community 1Faith, excellence, and service are three key characteristics shared by every Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School student. Each campus participates in various community service projects throughout the year, and there are many clubs that are dedicated to community outreach. Each year during Lent, every student from the high school campus participates in a Lenten Day of Service. Groups of students head out into the community to spend the day working on a service project. The needs of the organizations in the area are many, and each project is unique. Through their labors, the students not only learned about the important role each organization plays in the community, but also, they got to experience the amount of time and effort that is put into keeping these groups running.
Montgomery Catholic High School Students Serve the Community 2The types of projects were varied and served many different organizations. A group of girls headed to the E.A.T. South community farm to clean chicken coops and plant seedlings. One group of boys cleared bush and cleaned signs at the Lanark Alabama Nature Center while another scrubbed wheelchairs at the Montgomery Public Schools Children’s Center. Another group of boys assembled furniture at the Family Sunshine Center while a group of girls assembled care packages for Footprints Ministry, an organization that helps to comfort mothers whose newborns are in intensive care.
“It is important that our students use their hands to serve in the community around them,” said history teacher Stefanie Nelson, who organizes community outreach at the Montgomery Catholic high school campus. “All of our faculty get involved in this project, and it’s through their leadership that our students learn the importance of community service.”

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