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Montgomery Catholic Announces Julie Wood Principal at St. Bede

Montgomery Catholic Announces Julie Wood Principal at St. Bede 1Julie Wood, current vice principal of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s St. Bede Campus, has recently been named Principal at the elementary school for the 2008-2009 school year.

A native of Mobile, Wood is a product of the archdiocesan Catholic school system and attended Catholic school from first through 12th grade.

“I am so blessed that I am now able to give back what I received as a child in Catholic school. It means a lot to me to have my own children in our school experiencing the same gifts and blessing that I received,” said Wood.

“Recently the second grade invited me in to say a decade of the Rosary with them. It was so touching to see their faith so alive in the classroom. It is truly a gift to be able to express my own faith each day at work. That is something I have not experienced before in my career.”

Wood is a graduate of Huntingdon College and began her teaching career as a Physical Education teacher with St. James School in Montgomery, where she coached volleyball and girls’ golf for 11 years. She then taught second and third grades for eight years before joining the staff at St. Bede as the Vice Principal in 2007.

“I am blessed to have learned under Anne Ceasar and to work with such a dedicated, experienced, and deeply devoted staff at St. Bede. My on-the-job training has been outstanding and the relationships among our community have been exceptional. My teaching career experience has been so strong and has really prepared me for this new position. We have a tremendous support system at St. Bede and we are on the right path for the future,” said Wood.

Wood and her husband, Patrick, have been married for 19 years. Their son, Stuart, is a sophomore and their daughter, Kirstin, is in sixth grade at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School. They are active members of St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church in Montgomery.

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