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Mardi Gras Comes to Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede Campus

Mardi Gras Comes to Montgomery Catholic's St. Bede Campus 1

The Montgomery Catholic St. Bede Campus held its first ever Mardi Gras parade on Monday, March 3. A fun, wet morning, the students (and teachers) were encouraged to wear Mardi Gras colored shirts of purple, green and gold. Principal, Miss Laurie Gulley said, “We are thrilled to have the senior class and the MCPS Marching Band come help us with this.”  

Mardi Gras Comes to Montgomery Catholic's St. Bede Campus 2Mardi Gras Comes to Montgomery Catholic's St. Bede Campus 3The seniors attended Mass with the elementary students before leading the “Once Upon a Time in a Land Far Away” parade around the front parking lot of the school. With the senior students on two floats and walking, a golf cart that carried Montgomery Catholic principals Laurie Gulley and Chad Barwick, and the MCPS Marching Band playing  “When the Saints go Marching In” the festive Mardi Gras atmosphere was set.  The elementary students were thrown beads, cups, stuffed animals and toys and everyone went back to class with plenty of grabs.

Once the students went back inside the senior students delivered King cake to each classroom, and everyone enjoyed the sweet treat.

Miss Gulley extended a big “Thank you to Father Pat Arensberg, Associate Pastor of St. Bede Church, for this wonderful idea! And thank you to the schools and parishes in Mobile who were so wonderful about collecting throws for us. We had a “Beads for the Bede” campaign going on, and the response was amazing!!”

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School will celebrate Fat Tuesday with the annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, March 4 at the Middle and High School campus. All campuses will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday, March 5 as Lent begins.

Mardi Gras Comes to Montgomery Catholic's St. Bede Campus 4

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