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Junior Class Hosts 10th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast

Junior Class Hosts 10th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast 1The Junior Class of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School hosted the 10th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, February 24th, in the Dolly Barranco Activity Center. Monsignor Bill Skoneki, pastor of St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Auburn, was the keynote speaker.

Each year on Mardi Gras, the junior class prepares a full spread breakfast for the entire high school student body and many distinguished guests in the Catholic community.

Monsignor Skoneki had a little fun with the students as he explained the origins of Mardi Gras and the meaning behind the symbols used in traditional Mardi Gras parades. He tossed out beads, Moon Pies, cups, and the like to the eager students.

The Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast is the junior class on-site class retreat and following the breakfast, the students enjoyed an afternoon of fun together at the new Ace Bowling Center.

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic junior class officers Molly McLaughlin, Jessica Barranco, Monsignor Skoneki, Jessica Heymann, and Justin Taylor.

To view photos from the Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast, click here:

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