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Jessica Brown Named Merit Finalist in Miss Teen of Alabama 2005

Jessica Brown Named Merit Finalist in Miss Teen of Alabama 2005 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Senior, Jessica Brown, was a contestant in the 2005 Miss Teen of Alabama Scholarship and Recognition Program held August 5-7th at the Governor’s House Hotel in Montgomery. Fifty-three young women aged 13-18 from across the state vied for the title. Each of the young women was judged in six categories: Scholastic Record, Achievement and Service to School & Community, Development of Talents & Skills, General Awareness Written Test, Formal Wear, and an Interview. The winner of the 2005 Miss Teen of Alabama won $1,000 cash scholarship, a $500 U.S. Savings Bond, and will represent the state for the national title of Miss Teen of America. Jessica was named as one of ten Merit Finalists at the state competition.

Jessica is the daughter of Ms. Jimmetta Gourdine and Mr. Joe N. Brown. She is a two sport athlete in Varsity Volleyball and Varsity Basketball, an active member of many school clubs, and serves on the school yearbook staff.

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