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Hospice of Montgomery Awards Montgomery Catholic Student Artist

Hospice of Montgomery Awards Montgomery Catholic Student Artist 1Catherine Tumblin, a senior at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, was recognized by Hospice of Montgomery recently when she won the contest for the design of the Monte Carlo 2007 invitation. Her work was chosen from several provided by high school art students at the Catholic.

Miss Tumblin won $50 for her cover design using the newly constructed entrance to Wynlakes Golf and Country Club as her feature. Students were asked to provide a design at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School by the event’s chair, Joan Lynch.

Monte Carlo 2007 is set for Thursday, April 26, at Wynlakes Golf and Country Club beginning at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature a silent auction, casino-style games, music, dancing, food and beverages, and great entertainment.
Benefits from Monte Carlo 2007 help fund the care and services offered terminally ill patients and their families by Hospice of Montgomery. Monte Carlo 2007, an annual event, raises funds to help provide care for non-insured and underinsured patients, provide bereavement care and services, and assist with other patient care needs not covered by patients’ insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

Hospice of Montgomery, with 31 years proven experience in providing exceptional quality end-of-life care and support, is an independent, not-for-profit agency of the River Region United Way, providing care for patients and their families throughout central Alabama.
Tickets are $50 per person. To make reservations to attend Monte Carlo 2007, call (334) 279-6677.

Catherine Tumblin, center, displays her award-winning drawing of the new entrance to Wynlakes Golf and Country Club selected as the cover design for the Monte Carlo 2007 invitation. The art contest held at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School was sponsored by Hospice of Montgomery. Shown with Miss Tumblin from left are her mother, Lisa Tumblin; Joan Lynch, chairman of Monte Carlo 2007; Joane Grant, art teacher; and Jenille Ball, R.N., executive director of Hospice of Montgomery.

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