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Fourth Grade Elects Mayors; Sworn in by Bright

Fourth Grade Elects Mayors; Sworn in by Bright 1Fourth grade students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s St. Bede Campus recently elected mayors to run each of their “cities”. As a lesson in civics, Mrs. Riggles’ students create cities from the ground up: listing out job descriptions, setting up pay scales, and assigning duties from virtually every aspect of municipal management. Each office has specific duties they are responsible for each day.

The Mayor oversees class meetings, signs paychecks, and picks the “star student of the month.” Vice-Mayors distribute and collect timed tests, facilitates clean up, and checks assignment pads. Even the city decorators are in charge of decorating their classroom bulletin boards. Each person has tasks and duties and all are learning valuable lessons in the process.

For the office of mayor the students ran campaigns, created posters, gave speeches, and patiently waited for the votes to come in. Margaret Ann Allen, Brian Anderson, Tori Barranco, and Will Couey were victorious in their bout for mayoral office.

Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright attended a special ceremony where each of the mayors were officially sworn into office. The fourth grade presented Mayor Bright with a token of their appreciation.

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Fourth Grade Mayors Brian Anderson, Margaret Ann Allen, Will Couey, and Tori Barranco.

Fourth Grade Elects Mayors; Sworn in by Bright 2

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