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Catholic’s K4 & K5 Class Gets a Special Lesson in Fire Safety

Catholic's K4 & K5 Class Gets a Special Lesson in Fire Safety 1Catholic's K4 & K5 Class Gets a Special Lesson in Fire Safety 2Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Holy Spirit campus welcomed fire fighters from Engine Company No. 16 to campus to help reinforce their lessons in fire safety. Mrs. Mary Walker’s K4 students and Ms. Courtney Kirkland’s K5 students learned all about what fire fighters do and what they wear during a rescue from Fire Fighter Josh Bradley, father of K5 student Ella Bradley. As a special surprise for the classes, Fire Fighter Bradley invited some friends to join him, and they brought their fire truck. They were, Lt. Gray, Sgt. Porterfield, Fire Fighter Kelley and Fire Fighter Rich, these brave first responders helped the MCPS students learn more about fire safety and showed off their big fire truck. The students were thrilled to meet real live heros and Mrs. Walker and Ms. Kirkland were thankful to have these local heros take the time to encourage their students to be aware of fire safety.

Mrs. Walker’s K4 students pictured below are: Kayla Blackwell, Nick Donaldson, Patton Folsom, Charley Frank, Brielle Gryn, Declan McTear,  Camila Medina, Luchian  Pridgen, Aubrey Sadler, Katie Stone, Austin Taylor.

Catholic's K4 & K5 Class Gets a Special Lesson in Fire Safety 3

Ms. Kirkland’s K5 students pictured below are: Ella Bradley,  Dominic Chighizola, Sylvia Cho, Nathan Evans, AlexGoodwyn, Hudson Howell, Riley Hudson, Marjorie Rose Klemen, Camilla Lopez, Austin Mendez, Georgia Simpson, Katelynn Stinson, Julia Ann Taylor, Landon Widmer, Charles Yelnicker,  and Alexander Zhvania.

Catholic's K4 & K5 Class Gets a Special Lesson in Fire Safety 4

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