Montgomery Catholic Blog

Ann Karst was honored by Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School on May 1, as the 2017 Charlie Harbin Distinguished Service Award winner for...
The Alabama Statewide Math Tournament is an annual math competition organized by the University of North Alabama and sponsored by the Alabama...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School held a signing ceremony for seniors Riley Aaron, Joshua Koch and Ale Vazquez inside the Library on the...
The Auburn Mathematical Puzzle Challenge (AMP’d) is an annual competition for teams of seven high school students to solve puzzles involving mathematics,...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School proudly announces six middle school students who have earned State Recognition for their ACT scores by the Duke...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Earns Jostens National Yearbook Design RecognitionEXCALIBUR yearbook featured in 2017 Jostens Look Book Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s yearbook,...


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