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2008 Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference: The Amazing Race!

2008 Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference: The Amazing Race! 1Come join us and the Archbishop for the annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference in Mobile on Feb 29- Mar 2. Contact your parish for registration and further details.

CYO, MOBILE-St. Paul declared to Timothy, “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” We can learn much from Paul in this short statement. Our faith life is not a sprint, but rather a marathon. We need to get off to a good start, and we need to constantly train. We may “hit the wall,” but with help from our coaches, we’ll break through to continue the race. This is a race that we never truly finish this side of eternity.
St. Paul’s declaration is the inspiration for this year’s Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference, where our youth and our youth leaders of the archdiocese come together to break open these words and see how they relate to our lives today.
ACYC will be held at the Holiday Inn in downtown Mobile from February 29-March 2, 2008. All teens from our archdiocesan parishes are encouraged to attend. The Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference is a unique event which cannot be duplicated by any other organization. This is the only time of the year when all of the high school youth are invited to gather together to celebrate our common journey as young Catholics of southern Alabama. This is an important time for our youth to develop friendships across our archdiocese.
In addition to making new friends, our youth will be treated to entertaining speakers, incredible musicians, delicious food, talented performers and most importantly, amazing celebrations of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
For more information about the upcoming Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference, contact your parish youth minister or pastor. Come, as we journey together this “Amazing Race”!

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