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High School Announces Class Favorites

Senior Class Favorites:
Friendliest: Kevin Bourke & Patricia Larriuz
Most Likely to Succeed: Jacob Weatherly & Sam Telofski
Most Mischievious: Josh Soukup & Andria Ransdell
Most School Spirit: Alex Taylor & Whitney Barranco
Funniest: James Watkins & Mary Sullivan
Most Athletic: Colin Newmeyer & Gabby Moore
Most Creative: Michael Stewart & Lauren Starr
Most Likely to be Famous: Lane Keating & Shannon Boswell
Best All Around: Brad Kondrak & Meridith Anile

Junior Class Favorites:
Friendliest: Cater Elliot & Larissa Gauger
Most Likely to Succeed: Roscoe Anderson & Alexandra Gilbert
Most Mischievious: Matt Soukup & Kaila Camara
Most School Spirit: Mack Cornwell & Mara McCracken
Funniest: Justin Hughes & Kelsey Steffen
Most Athletic: Teddrick Arrington & Grace Carl
Most Creative: Philip Spotswood & Lauren Gore
Most Likely to be Famous: Kyle Skelton & Cleo Smith
Best All Around: John Dugan & Caroline Starr

Sophomore Class Favorites:
Friendliest: Thomas Anile & Sarah Armstrong
Most Likely to Succeed: Aaron Weber & Hannah Carter
Most Mischievious: Tanner Faulk & Autumn Guillot
Most School Spirit: Robert Schaum & Jessica Heymann
Funniest: Jimmy Dugan & Lora Burke
Most Athletic: Nolan Plate & Courtney Willcox
Most Creative: Hayden Whyard & Sara Pittman
Most Likely to be Famous: Gunter Giddens & D’Jara Britton
Best All Around: Michael D’Argenio & Jessica Barranco

Freshmen Class Favorites:
Friendliest: John Talbot & Nandi Ramirez
Most Likely to Succeed: Ben Petters & Lizzie Terino
Most Mischievious: James Tidmore & Maryclare Parker
Most School Spirit: Andy Telofski & Morgan Foxworth
Funniest: Tripp Whatley & Anissa Britt
Most Athletic: Jake Clark & Caitlin Sears
Most Creative: John Preston Houston & Shannon Guin
Most Likely to be Famous: Tommy Wujcik & Mary Allison Tyner
Best All Around: Kenny Davison & Liz Armstrong

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