Beanie Sale – Boys Soccer Fundraiser
Our Boys Soccer team will be selling beanies as a fundraiser for their team. Be sure to find your favorite player and purchase one today! Contact Coach Wulf Koch if you have any questions. [email protected]
Our Boys Soccer team will be selling beanies as a fundraiser for their team. Be sure to find your favorite player and purchase one today! Contact Coach Wulf Koch if you have any questions. [email protected]
Our Girls Soccer team will be selling candles as a fundraiser for their team. Be sure to find your favorite player and purchase a candle. They make great Christmas gifts! Contact Coach Wulf Koch if you have any questions. [email protected]
Cheerleaders will be asking our community to "Sponsor a Day". Sponsors will choose a date on their calendar and donate the dollar amount that corresponds to the date they chose. Contact your favorite cheerleader to help sponsor their calendar today! The fundraiser ends December 13th.
Encounter is a service program organized by Lauren Hoyer for our High School Advisory groups. Each week a different Advisory group will attend the Encounter. This week’s Advisory class is Mr. Wilson. Students need to bring a lunch with them to eat on the bus
Wrestlers will leave school at 3:30 pm either with their parents or on the white bus. Indefinite end time
There will be a brief meeting in the DBC Wednesday, December 8th immediately following dismissal with Coach Forr.
The Indoor Track team will be selling Krispie Kreme Vouchers to help raise money for travel and equipment throughout the season. Please reach out to your favorite Indoor Track athlete to purchase a Voucher. Or contact Coach Tim Moore for more information. [email protected]
Families are invited to a Christmas program. All students will be involved. More information will be sent home
Our Admissions office is ready to answer any questions you have about Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School.