
V Football Game @ Saraland – CANCELED

Friday’s football game between Montgomery Catholic and Saraland has been canceled. Both schools have been in constant contact with each other since Monday regarding the development of a hurricane in the Gulf. The mutual decision between both schools is the result of a variety of factors. Bottom line, the risk of uncontrolled circumstances negatively impacting preparation, […]

JV Football Game vs. Carver

Montgomery Catholic Field House 5350 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL, United States

Encounter – Ms. Armstrong’s Family

Children's Center of Montgomery 310 N Madison Terrace, Montgomery, AL, United States

Encounter is a service program for our High School House Families. Each week a different Family will travel to the Montgomery Children’s Center to interact with the students there. This week is Ms. Armstrong’s family. Students need to bring a lunch with them to eat on the bus.