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The Human Calculator Visits Montgomery Catholic

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Mu Alpha Theta Chapter welcomed The Human CalculatorĀ®, Scott Flansburg to the Middle/High School campus Dolly Barranco Center on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m.

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A fun night for all ages organized by Mu Alpha Theta and their sponsor Mrs. Terrica Carlisle, Montgomery Catholic welcomed Mr. Flansburg and over 300 people to this free community event, where attendees were awed by The Human CalculatorĀ® and his speed with math problems, but also in learning a few facinating trick, like the importance of the number nine, the history of numbers and some great tricks for speed.

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According to his website, “The Human CalculatorĀ®, Scott Flansburg, is dedicated to helping both students and adults to overcome their fears related to mathematics. He believes everyone has the ability to be great at math, and has dedicated his life to unlocking the power of human calculator in you.”

The Human Calculator Visits Montgomery Catholic 3Scott is currently host of ‘The Human Calculator’ TV show on History Channel. He is the Guinness World Record book 2014 ‘fastest human calculator’, a best selling author  with two books, Math Magic and Math Magic for Kids. His television credits include Oprah, Ellen, Stan Lee’s Superhumans, The Tonight Show, The Today Show, Discovery ‘More Than Human’, and Good Morning America. He is currently Chairman of Memoriad 2016 Las Vegas. Please check out his website to learn more.

Founded in 1873, Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is an integral part of the Catholic Church’s mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As an adult community, we share in the responsibility to prepare students for college and beyond while helping them grow to become persons of faith, virtue and wisdom.

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