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St. Bede Science Olympiad Team Wins 1st Place at University of West Alabama

St. Bede Science Olympiad Team Wins 1st Place at University of West Alabama 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Elementary Science Olympiad (ESO) Team at St. Bede won first place at the Science Olympiad Competition held on the campus of the University of West Alabama (UWA). There were eight teams representing 12 schools from around the state at this year’s competition. Montgomery Catholic’s team won first place overall, as well as first place in the Pasta Mobile and the Water Rockets divisions. The water rocket distance was a record breaker at 11.25 feet!

Participation in Science Olympiads has been directly related to increased interest and achievement in science and math. Events in the ESO relate directly to National Science Education Content Standards and to Alabama Content Standards for Science.

Science Olympiad is a national nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. Science Olympiad is also designed to encourage classroom teachers to explore new and challenging ways of teaching science.

Broken into three main divisions, Science Olympiad caters to students of all ages. Division A encompasses students from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Through a series of hands-on events, young students gain valuable experiences that encourage further exploration into the world of science. The Elementary Science Olympiad offers a unique opportunity for students to test their creative and cooperative skills, interact with other motivated students, and expand their minds with science. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, and having fun.

Montgomery Catholic’s Elementary Science Olympiad team members are Annie Bach, Anna Catherine Barranco, Carrie Belsterling, Lita Blackburn, Mary Katherine Brunson, Jessie Clark, Luke Craig, Wes Domsalla , Jacob Flowers, Katie Fischer, Jonah Gier, Anna Mary Gilbert, Sieanna Grogan-Albaugh, Reagan Herbek, Ryne Herbek, Grace Leslie, Maddie Losik, Ethan Macchia, Alex O’Donnell, Henry Petters, Demetrios Philippou, Kyriacos Philippou, Zoe Rutland, Annabel Starrett, and Hunter Vaccaro.

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