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St. Bede Collecting Box Tops, Campbell’s Soup Labels, Bruno’s Green Receipts, & Tyson A+ for Education

St. Bede Collecting Box Tops, Campbell's Soup Labels, Bruno's Green Receipts, & Tyson A+ for Education 1

St. Bede Collecting Box Tops, Campbell's Soup Labels, Bruno's Green Receipts, & Tyson A+ for Education 2
St. Bede Collecting Box Tops, Campbell's Soup Labels, Bruno's Green Receipts, & Tyson A+ for Education 3
St. Bede Collecting Box Tops, Campbell's Soup Labels, Bruno's Green Receipts, & Tyson A+ for Education 4

St Bede is actively collecting Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s Soup Labels, Bruno’s Green Receipts, and A+ Tyson Food Labels. Send yours through your child to your teacher. The teachers all have collection bags or boxes in their classrooms. High Schoolers and middle schoolers can send box tops to the middle school in an envelope marked for Mrs. Gigi Pickard. These food labels are returned for money and supplies for the school. Thanks for participating and saving for us!

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