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Sale-A-Bration, Saturday February 23rd

Sale-A-Bration, Saturday February 23rd 1Your trash may be another one’s treasure. Find out by renting a parking space at the Sale-A-Bration on Saturday, Feb. 23 in Montgomery Catholic’s High School parking lot on Vaughn Road. Hosted by MCPS’s Eighth Grade Class, sale proceeds will be used to fund the class trip to Washington, D.C., in May.

The public is invited to rent a parking space for only $10 (tables are available for another $5). The Sale-A-Bration is 7 a.m. until 12 noon. Those wishing to donate gently-used items for the class to sell may drop them off at the school cafeteria on Friday, February 22 between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Refreshments will be available as well as babysitting. To reserve a space, simply download applications available online at www.

For more information, please contact Jean Bradley at 409-9097.

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