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National Hispanic Recognition Goes to Jacob Weatherly

National Hispanic Recognition Goes to Jacob Weatherly 1Jacob Weatherly, a member of the senior class at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, has been recognized by the College Board’s National Hispanic Recognition Program, as announced by Principal Sue Vaughn.

The National Hispanic Recognition Program, established in 1983, is a College Board program that provides national recognition of the exceptional academic achievements of Hispanic high school seniors and identifies them for postsecondary institutions.
Students enter the program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) as high school juniors and by identifying themselves as Hispanic. This year, more than 196,000 PSAT/NMSQT takers nationwide identified themselves as Hispanic, and more than 4,000 of those students have been recognized as National Hispanic Scholars or Honorable Mention Finalists based upon their PSAT/NMSQT scores and their academic achievements. Last spring, Jacob scored a 2380 of a possible 2400 on the SAT test, placing Jacob in the 99.99th percentile of all students nationally.
The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 5,200 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®). The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.

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