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Montgomery Catholic’s Key Club Participates in Christmas Service Projects

Montgomery Catholic’s Key Club has been involved in several Service Projects during this Christmas season. For the last 10 years the MCPS Key Club has participated in service projects benefiting the Montgomery Area Council on Aging and the Christmas Clearinghouse. This year our National Honor Society contributed to these programs as well.

Montgomery Catholic's Key Club Participates in Christmas Service Projects 1

The students used their own money to purchase and donate food items for elderly shut-ins who normally receive Meals on Wheels from the Montgomery Area Council on Aging. The items included cases of Ensure, crackers, canned tuna and chicken, gloves, socks, toothpaste, and tissues.    

They also adopted 3 families through the Christmas Clearinghouse. The students chose gifts from the child’s list and bought it themselves to donate to the family. They purchased many items including clothing, shoes, jackets, toys and even bicycles. 

Our Key Club is sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis Club which is a local service organization that raises money for local charities through the Alabama National Fair every year.  

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