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Montgomery Catholic Students Receive State Recognition for Duke TIP

Montgomery Catholic Students Receive State Recognition for Duke TIP 1
MCPS 7th grade student Josh Hildebrand,
receiving his state recognition medal for Duke TIP

17 Montgomery Catholic seventh grade students qualified for participation in the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP). Montgomery Catholic is proud to announce that of the 5 students who elected to take the ACT exam during the school year, 3 have received State Recognition for their high scores: Turner Clements, Jehle Dickson, and Josh Hildebrand. Josh attended the Duke TIP State Recognition Ceremony held on the campus of the University of Alabama on Tuesday, May 7 and received his state recognition medal.

The 7th grade Duke TIP qualifiers this year were Mally Barranco, Bernard Byrd, Megan Cabral, Turner Clements, Lily Coloumbe, Hunter Dailey, Cooper Davis, Jehle Dickson, Morgan Donaldson, Ariyn Gilbert, Josh Hildebrand, Nate Izer, Nicasio Montelara Demick, Ben Nguyen, Ryan Parker, Izzy Priori, and Michael Ann Williams. Montgomery Catholic is proud of our high achievers!

Montgomery Catholic Students Receive State Recognition for Duke TIP 2
MCPS 7th grade student Turner Clements
Montgomery Catholic Students Receive State Recognition for Duke TIP 3
MCPS 7th grade student Jehle Dickson

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