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Montgomery Catholic Students Assist with Empty Bowls Project

Montgomery Catholic Students Assist with Empty Bowls Project 1

Art students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the 5th Annual Empty Bowls Project, a fundraiser for the Montgomery Area Food Bank.  Empty Bowls began many years ago as an art assignment at a high school in Michigan to raise money for their local food bank through the crafting of ceramic pottery bowls.  From there, the project caught on in communities across the country. 

Montgomery artist and potter Margaret Barber was asked to contribute her works to an Empty Bowls project in another community for several years.  Barber began Montgomery’s Empty Bowls Project for the Montgomery Area Food Bank five years ago and it continues to grow each year.

Art students from several high schools in the area created and donated hand-crafted bowls for the event.  Montgomery Catholic students have participated for several years.  This year, in addition to their artistic donations, ten students also volunteered to serve at the event with their art instructor Ms. Joane Grant.

Pictured:  Montgomery Catholic’s Hayden Ellis serves soup at the 5th Annual Empty Bowls Project.

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