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Montgomery Catholic Student Artwork Wins at Alabama National Fair

Montgomery Catholic Student Artwork Wins at Alabama National Fair 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School student artwork won numerous awards at the 2011 Alabama National Fair.  Migyn Kim won first place in Watercolor and the overall winner for her artwork.  David Babb won second place in Watercolor. Audrey Kim won Division I for 7th – 9th grades in Opaque and Watercolor.  Jinah Kim won third place in Pastels. Meredith Kocan won first place in Pastels. Olivia Nobles won first place in Acrylics. Madison Roberts won second place in Acrylics. Abby Rohde won second place in Pastels and third place in Acrylics. and Beth Wyatt won third place for her Printing work.  Montgomery Catholic’s middle and high school Art instructor is Ms. Joane Grant.
Pictured:  Montgomery Catholic Art students display their award winning artwork in the middle/high school studio.

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