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Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Crowns 2014 Homecoming Queen & King

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Crowns 2014 Homecoming Queen & King 1
Homecoming Queen & King,
Carlye Dawn Schmidt and Foster Reese Smith 

Photo by Total Image

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School crowned their 2014 Homecoming Queen and King during the half-time ceremonies of the varsity football game as the Knights hosted Bullock County High School, October 24, 2014. Miss Carlye Dawn Schmidt was crowned Montgomery Catholic’s 2014 Homecoming Queen by the 2013 Homecoming Queen Miss Anna McCracken.  Carlye is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schmidt of Montgomery.  Mr. Foster Reese Smith was named Montgomery Catholic’s 2014 Homecoming King and presented a scepter by 2013 Montgomery Catholic Homecoming King Mr. Kyle BerherReese is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Montgomery.

The Montgomery Catholic Homecoming Court included:

Senior attendants, Megan Carrigan Aaron, Courtney Michelle Cool and Carlye Dawn Schmidt.

Megan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Aaron and is a member of the Church of the Holy Spirit.  She has played competitive soccer and served as a member of the Shield Bearers as well as Yearbook Editor.  She has won numerous awards including California Athletic All League Player, Distinguished Community Service Award, and student of the month at Whitney High School, a school of over 2,000 students. Megan was escorted by Joseph Gaten Armstrong. Gaten is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Armstrong and is a member of the Church of the Holy Spirit.  He participates in Football, baseball, Robotics, and Youth in Government.  Gaten is also a member of the National Honor Society.

Courtney is the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. David Cool and is a member of Holy Family Catholic Church.  She cheers for MCPS and is an active participant in the Shield Bearers.  Courtney has been nominated for All-American Cheer team and won the MCPS Coach’s award for cheer.  Courtney was escorted by 
Foster Reese Smith. Reese is a member of Saint Peter’s Catholic Church.  He is a member of the Varsity Football and baseball teams.  Reese is also actively involved in Shield Bearers and National Honor Society.

Carlye Schmidt is a member of Saint Vincent DePaul Catholic Church.  She participates in Key Club, Youth in Government, Cross Country, and Soccer, for which she was awarded the 2014 MVP.  Carley was escorted by Thomas Craig Stokes Jr. Thomas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stokes Sr. and is a member of The Pavilion Church.  He has played football and run Indoor and Outdoor Track for St. Jude and MCPS.  He is a active member of the Shield Bearers.  Thomas has won numerous awards for athletics including the State Record for longest touchdown run.

The Junior Attendant was Marissa Hope Dogan. Marissa is the daughter of Jeffrey Dogan and Theresa Carlos. She is a member of Saint Bede Catholic Church.  Marrissa is Co-Captain of Colorguard, and a member of Key Club, Math League, and Science Olympiad in which she medaled at the State level in 2014. 
She was escorted by Jonathan Green. Jonathan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green.  He participates in Band and Key Club.  Jonathan has also represented MCPS in the All State Band.

The Sophomore Attendant was Nadine Marie BackNadine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Back.  She is a member of Church of the Holy Spirit.  She has been an active member in Youth Judicial as well as Young Women’s Leadership. Nadine was escorted by Daniel Joseph Downes III (Trey).  Trey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Downes Jr.  He is a member of the Church of the Holy Spirit. Trey plays football and baseball for MCPS.

The Freshman Attendant was Carrie Elizabeth Belsterling.  Carrie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Belsterling. She attends Church of the Holy Spirit.  Carrie is a cheerleader and has played softball for MCPS.  She further serves her school as a member of Young Women’s Leadership. Carrie was escorted by: Coleman Michel Brian Schmidt. Coleman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schmidt.  He attends Saint Vincent DePaul Catholic Church.  He has played for MCPS wrestling and soccer teams and served as a member of Youth Judicial. 

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Crowns 2014 Homecoming Queen & King 2
The 2014 Montgomery Catholic Homecoming Court, pictured from left to right: Freshmen Attendant Carrie Elizabeth Belsterling escorted by Coleman Michel Brian Schmidt; Junior Attendant Marissa Hope Dogan escorted by Jonathan Green. Senior Attendant  Megan Carrigan Aaron escorted by Joseph Gaten Armstrong. Homecoming Queen & King, Carlye Dawn Schmidt and Foster Reese Smith. Senior Attendant Courtney Michelle Cool  with Thomas Craig Stokes Jr.. Sophomore Attendant Nadine Marie Back escorted by Daniel Joseph Downes, III (Trey). Photo by Total Image

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School welcomed all Alumni home with an Alumni party at the Homecoming game from kick-off to half-time. Alumni, including the class of 2004 celebrating their 10th reunion, were able to enjoy a delicious meal from Jim-N-Nicks Bar-b-Que, and catching up with old classmates and coaches. Coach Little, Coach Ed Jones and Coach  all made an appearance under the tent. 

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Crowns 2014 Homecoming Queen & King 3Montgomery Catholic students celebrated Homecoming Week at all campuses with a host of daily activities including the Homecoming Bonfire and mini-parade held on Thursday evening at the Middle/High School Campus. Alumni Pat McGinn ’85 had the honor of lighting the fire. Friday the Middle and High School ended school with a pep rally and dance off. A Friday night victory of 48-8 led to a fun night as the High School campus ended the week with their Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 25 held at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church Parish Hall.

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