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Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Announces Leadership Team at New Holy Spirit Elementary Campus

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Announces Leadership Team at New Holy Spirit Elementary Campus 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is pleased to announce the leadership team for their new Holy Spirit Elementary Campus opening in August.

“The leadership team approach is a wonderful opportunity to draw upon the experience and knowledge of professionals from each of our campuses as we open our newest location,” said Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School. “We are grateful to the Holy Spirit Catholic Church parishioners for their support of Montgomery Catholic and for the use of this beautiful facility.” The building will also serve religious education, faith formation, and parish meeting needs.

For the new Holy Spirit Elementary Campus, School President Anne Ceasar will oversee the daily operations, Reverend Patrick Driscoll, Pastor of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, will serve as spiritual leader, and Laurie Gulley, St. Bede Elementary Campus Principal, will serve as an elementary consultant for the Holy Spirit Campus. Ken Klinger will be the Assistant Athletic Director in charge of athletic programs at both elementary campuses as well as the physical education instructor at Holy Spirit, and Mary Kelley will serve as the school counselor at Holy Spirit.

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School has three additional campuses in the Montgomery area: St. Bede Elementary Campus, K4 through sixth grade, located at 3850 Atlanta Highway; Middle School Campus, seventh and eighth grades, and High School Campus, ninth through twelfth grades, both located at 5350 Vaughn Road.

The new elementary campus at Holy Spirit Catholic Church will open in August for students in four-year-old kindergarten through sixth grade. Montgomery Catholic is currently accepting applications at all campuses for the 2012-2013 school year. For more information, please call (334) 272-7221, extension 32 or visit our website

Pictured:  Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Holy Spirit Campus leadership team stand in front of the new building opening in August. From left to right, Anne Ceasar, Laurie Gulley, Reverend Patrick Driscoll, Ken Klinger, and Mary Kelley.  Photo by Anna Lee Ingalls.

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