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Montgomery Catholic Places 3rd in University of Alabama Math Tournament

Montgomery Catholic Places 3rd in University of Alabama Math Tournament 1

Eleven students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the 30th annual University of Alabama Math Tournament in Tuscaloosa on October 1, 2011. Led by team high scorers Brian Lee and Zach Hulcher, the team placed 3rd in their division and was the highest scoring team from central Alabama.
The tournament included a team round of twelve challenge problems and an individual round of 50 questions from the high school mathematics curriculum through pre-calculus. The Montgomery Catholic team earned their final placement with a strong performance on the challenge problems. The current team of mostly sophomore and juniors is looking forward to next year when more members will have actually taken pre-calculus.

Twelve schools participated in the tournament this year. Tournament Coordinator Dr. Jim Gleason says, “We are excited about having Montgomery Catholic come again this year. It has been good to see the students and faculty becoming more involved in the mathematics community in Alabama. “

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