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Montgomery Catholic Junior To Get Unique Look at U.S. Naval Academy While Attending Fast-Paced Summer Seminar

Montgomery Catholic Junior To Get Unique Look at U.S. Naval Academy While Attending Fast-Paced Summer Seminar 1

The U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) invited a select group of approximately 2,250 young men and women from around the nation and internationally to attend the Naval Academy Summer Seminar program this year.  Summer Seminar is a fast-paced experience for high achievers who have completed their junior year in high school and are considering applying for admission to USNA after graduation.
Kevin Norris, a student at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, will participate in the 2011 U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar Program.  Kevin is the son of Larry and Stacey Norris of Montgomery.

Summer Seminar teaches prospective applicants about life at the Naval Academy, where academics, athletics, and professional training play equally important roles in developing our nation’s leaders.  Each student will attend a six-day session and experience a part of USNA life.  Students in the program live in Bancroft Hall (the dormitory in which all USNA midshipmen live), eat in the dining hall, participate in academic and leadership workshops and participate in daily physical training involving group runs and conditioning exercises.  They will have an opportunity to see first-hand what the Naval Academy has to offer through its exceptional academics, athletic, extracurricular activities, and leadership training programs.

Founded in 1845, the Naval Academy is a highly competitive four-year undergraduate institution that prepares young men and women morally, mentally, and physically to become officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps.  Upon graduation, Naval Academy midshipmen receive a Bachelor of Science degree in one of 22 majors and a commission as ensigns in the U.S. Navy or second lieutenants in the U.S. Marine Corps.  In return, these young officers will serve at least five years of exciting and rewarding service to our nation.

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