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Montgomery Catholic Honored at YMCA Youth Judicial Conference

Montgomery Catholic Honored at YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 1
MCPS junior, James Avery served
as Deputy at the 2016 conference.
Montgomery Catholic had an extraordinary showing at YMCA’s Youth Judicial conference this year. Junior, James Avery represented MCPS well by serving as a Deputy for the 2016 conference, while freshman John Register worked for the media department of the conference.  The two major teams and one premier team all scored very well with our Major Prosecution team placing in the Top 20 with the MCPS Major Defense team scoring in the Top 10.  

Montgomery Catholic Honored at YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 2
The Justice Hugh Maddox Award Presented to the 2016 Overall Best Team for their superior performance in all aspects in the 2016 Alabama YMCA Youth Judicial Competition. Montgomery Catholic Team members are: Matthew Taylor, Tori Barranco, Henry Petters, Carson Scott, James Sadie, and Audrey Kim

Montgomery Catholic’s YMCA Youth Judicial Major Defense team was awarded the Justice Hugh Maddox Award, recognizing them as the Best Overall Team at the 2016 conference held in early November at the State House. The award is not necessarily for the highest point average during competition. It honors the team that works the most effectively together as a whole, and also for the team that most effectively promotes good sportsmanship and decorum during competition. It also grants the Montgomery Catholic team just one of four spots available from the Montgomery area conference to compete at the National YMCA Youth Judicial Conference in Chicago in August, 2017.  The Justice Hugh Maddox Award plaque reads as follows: “Presented to the 2016 Overall Best Team for their superior performance in all aspects in the 2016 Alabama YMCA Youth Judicial Competition.”Team members are: Audrey Kim, James Sadie, Henry Petters, Tori Barranco, Carson Scott, and Matthew Taylor. 

The other Montgomery Catholic major team, led by Nadine Back with Daniel Reeves, Cheyenne Hayes, Annabelle Starrett, Coleman Schmidt, and Nate Smith placed in the top 20. The premiere team, led by Anna Sadie with Jack Burt, Clare Wilson, Michael Hodges, Kinley Tadlock, and Patrick Flores also did exceptionally well. 
Montgomery Catholic Honored at YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 3
The MCPS premiere team Kinley Tadlock, Anna Sadie, Clare Wilson, with Michael Hodges, Jack Burt, and Patrick Flores. 
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is pleased to participate in the YMCA Youth Judaical Conference annually, and is very appreciative of the support of their faculty sponsors Mrs. Stefanie Nelson and Mr. Trip Hubbard.

Montgomery Catholic Honored at YMCA Youth Judicial Conference 4

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