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Montgomery Catholic Homecoming 2023

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School celebrated Homecoming week on October 16-20.  During half-time of the varsity football game vs. Dale County, Montgomery Catholic Principal Eileen Aaron crowned the 2023 Homecoming Queen and King, Miss Ann Cobb, a third-generation knight, and Mr. Ben Nguyen.

The 2023 Montgomery Catholic Homecoming Court, pictured from left to right: Junior attendants, Rickie Williams and Kate Johnson; Freshman attendants, Sal Barranco and Ava Bierly; Homecoming King and Queen, Ben Nguyen and Ann Cobb; Senior attendants, Caleb McCreary and Mally Barranco; Senior attendants, Cooper Davis and Carsyn Hawkins; Senior attendants, Ariyn Gilbert and Jehle Dickson, and Sophomore attendants Ellis Thoms and Kate Robertson. 

The class of 1973 hosted an Alumni Mass before the festivities began. Following mass we held our Annual Alumni Under the Tent event with a wonderful meal sponsored by The Little Donkey restaurant, 3 Squared Technology Group, Remax Tristar – Ryan Beesley, and Coca Cola. 

The week leading up to the Homecoming football game was full of activities and excitement, including themed spirit days, and special events at all campuses. Thursday Night’s Homecoming Parade and Powder Puff football game were a great way for our school community to gather together before Friday night’s game. The week ended with a pep-rally to pump up school spirit and a shut-out victory over Dale County, 63-0. A great conclusion to our Homecoming week!

Photo credit: Total Image

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