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Montgomery Catholic Dedicates New Field House to Pope John Paul II & McPhillips Wrestling Room

Montgomery Catholic Dedicates New Field House to Pope John Paul II & McPhillips Wrestling Room 1With the excitement of the new school year, Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School recently dedicated their new field house in honor of Pope John Paul II and the new McPhillips Wrestling Room in honor of the McPhillips family, thanks to the generosity of Julian and Leslie McPhillips. The new 5,000 square foot facility will house locker rooms for the middle, junior varsity, and varsity boys programs as well as a practice facility for the new varsity wrestling team, which will be added to the Montgomery Catholic Athletic Program this winter for grades 7-12. The wrestling program will be coached by Mr. Tyler Countryman. Parents, students, faculty, alumni, and friends celebrated the dedication with a blessing of the building by Monsignor Charles Troncale, Episcopal Vicar and pastor of Church of the Holy Spirit. After the dedication, everyone enjoyed tours of the building and the annual “Back to School Pep Rally” with the fall sports teams in the football stadium.

To view pictures from the event, click here:

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Athletic Director Jim Tolbert presents the first Montgomery Catholic Wrestling shirts to benefactors Leslie and Julian McPhillips at the Pope John Paul II Field House dedication. Below, Montgomery Catholic Wrestling Coach Tyler Countryman shakes the hand of Mr. Julian McPhillips at the dedication ceremony.

Montgomery Catholic Dedicates New Field House to Pope John Paul II & McPhillips Wrestling Room 2

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