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McClure Awarded Archbishop Lipscomb Service Award

McClure Awarded Archbishop Lipscomb Service Award 1Montgomery Catholic senior Brianna McClure was awarded the Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb Service Award at the annual Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference (ACYC) held at the Embassy Suites in Montgomery.

Two awards, one male and one female, were given from 13 nominees from parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile. McClure was selected as the female recipient for her service work with Church of the Holy Spirit and Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, which includes Catholic Heart Work Camp, C2 Leadership Team, Life Teen, Vacation Bible School, United Way, Project Uganda, Seniors to Seniors, Breakfast with Santa and the Easter Bunny to name just a few of her many services.

Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile, conferred the awards at the annual ACYC conference.
Pictured: Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb Service Award recipient Brianna McClure with Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi.

Below, Brianna McClure and her family pose with Archbishop Thomas Rodi after McClure received the Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb Service Award at the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference. l to r: Brittany McClure Bradley, Josh Bradley, Brianna, Bryan McClure, Archbishop Rodi, Bobby McClure and Bonnie McClure.McClure Awarded Archbishop Lipscomb Service Award 2

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