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Mary Catherine Ingram Receives AATF Outstanding Senior in French Award

Mary Catherine Ingram Receives AATF Outstanding Senior in French Award 1The American Association of Teacher of French (AATF) is pleased to announce that Mary Catherine Ingram of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School has received a 2006 AATF Outstanding Senior in French Award. This award is made annually to a graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in the study of French as well as exceptional commitment to the French language and the many cultures where it is spoken. Recipients must have completed at least three years of French study at the time of graduation and be non-native speakers of French.

Mary Catherine has traveled abroad, is an officer of the French Club, has participated in National French Week activities, is a member of the National French Honor Society, and has encouraged other students to take French IV so it could be offered at her school for the first time. She has studied French for four years and is the student of Madame Patricia K. Crowley.

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