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Marching Knights performed at the Southeastern States Marching Band Festival in Troy

Marching Knights performed at the Southeastern States Marching Band Festival in Troy 1
MCPS Color Guard rates Superior at Troy; Ashley Sulzby
an MCPS junior with trophy. 

The Marching Knights performed at the Southeastern States Marching Band Festival on the campus of Troy University on October 19, 2013 along with bands from over 30 schools from Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. The Band was rated an overall “Superior” by the judging panel, also receiving “Superior” ratings in the specific areas of Color Guard and Drum Major. The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Marching Knights are led by Band Director, Alex Johnson; Assistant Band Director, Christina Banks; Color Guard Sponsors, Sarah Rech and D’Jara Britton; and Drum Major Kristina Vanella, an MCPS senior. Congratulations Marching Knights!

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