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Gooslin, O’Connor and Petters to Represent Montgomery Catholic at County Spelling Bee

Congratulations to our Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Spelling Bee winners:  Will Gooslin, Katherine O’Connor and Henry Petters.  They will represent Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School at the Montgomery County Spelling Bee in February.  Will, a fourth grade student at the Holy Spirit Campus, won the bee by correctly spelling “transfixed”.   Katherine, a fifth grade student at the St. Bede campus, won by spelling the championship word “diverge”. Henry, a seventh grade student at the Middle School won by correctly spelling ” advantageous“. Alternate delegates for the Montgomery County Spelling Bee from each campus are:  Connor Frank, a Holy Spirit campus sixth grade student; Will Holderfield, a St. Bede campus fourth grade student.  

Competing in the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School elementary spelling bee were fourth grade students Spencer Bach, Noelle Burtschi, Harrison Downes, Angela Gier and Will Holderfield.  Fifth grade students were Ansley Dean, Lainie Doyle, Michael Hodges, Sean Moore and Eric Shin.  Sixth grade students were Jacob Flowers, Reagan Herbek, Thomas McLaughlin, Drew Smith, Jenice Stephenson, Emily Claire Talbot and Melody Taylor.

Gooslin, O'Connor and Petters to Represent Montgomery Catholic at County Spelling Bee 1
Top spellers at MCPS St. Bede campus,
Will Holderfield and Katherine O’Connor
Gooslin, O'Connor and Petters to Represent Montgomery Catholic at County Spelling Bee 2
Top spellers at MCPS  Holy Spirit campus,
Will Gooslin and Connor Frank

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