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Extreme Makeover: Home Edition featuring the Jordan family airs April 26th on ABC-32

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition featuring the Jordan family airs April 26th on ABC-32 1Don’t miss the Jordan family’s story on Sunday, April 26th for the Extreme Makeover Home Edition on ABC-32 at 7:00 p.m.

Brady & Monica Jordan’s oldest grandchild, Miles, is a sophomore at our school.

Miles’ teammates on our Varsity Boys Basketball team, our Varsity Cheerleaders, and our Marching Band took part in demolition day and our entire sophomore class was on hand for the big reveal!

To see pictures from demo day, go here:

To see pictures from the new home reveal, go here:

To read a full story about EMHE in The Montgomery Advertiser, click here:

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