Kelly was chosen for this award because of the energy and enthusiasm he brought to all of the Key Clubs he served this past year in Montgomery. The clubs, under his leadership, have experienced growth in membership and increased the number of club service hours overall. These service hours included activities Derek organized to benefit Children’s Hospital of Birmingham, one of the main projects for the Alabama Key Club.
As Lieutenant Governor Kelly published a monthly newsletter to all of the local clubs, made visits and participated in their activities. He organized rallies for all of the local clubs to attend, offering the opportunity for his district to visit together. He also organized officer leadership training for each of his district clubs, teaching how to be effective leaders in their own clubs. In all this, Kelly exemplified persistence and dedication while following the Key Club Motto of building home, school, and community while serving the nation and God.
Derek Kelly will graduate from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School this May and plans to attend the University of South Alabama Honors College in the fall, majoring in civil engineering. He has been a member and officer of the Key Club at Montgomery Catholic for three years. The Catholic Key Club is a service club sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis Club.
Submitted by Jeanene Crenshaw