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Montgomery Catholic Blog

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School welcomed back their families on Sunday, August 9 with a Back to School Mass and Street Party. Monsignor...
Montgomery Catholic’s Middle School has named Knight Ambassadors for 2015-2016. These students show leadership, good judgment, maturity, honesty, and integrity while upholding...
Petters Five Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School students have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition for their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. The...
Lynn Downes ’63 retires from Montgomery Catholic Preparatroy in June 2015, she is pictured withher sons, Jeff Downes ’85, Scott Downes ’88...
Coach Patterson will be Montgomery Catholic’s head volleyball and tennis coach beginning with the 2015-16 seasons. Amy Patterson has been named the...
Derek Kelly, a 2015 Honor Graduate of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, was honored with the Robert F Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award...


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