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Band Receives Superior Ratings at District Festival

Band Receives Superior Ratings at District Festival 1

The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Middle School and High School bands participated in the Alabama Bandmasters’ Association District Band Festival at Opelika High School on Friday, February 24. This festival features concert bands performing selections for a panel of judges for ratings. The MCPS Middle School Band received an “Excellent” rating, while the MCPS High School Band received a “Superior” rating – the highest possible score for a band at this type of festival. This was the band’s first appearance at an area competition.

The High School Band qualified for advancement to the State Band Competition to be held at Vestavia Hills High School on March 13 and 14. Members of this band are preparing diligently both at school and at home for this prestigious event.

The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School band program was formed at the beginning of the 2004-2005 school year, and is directed by Mr. Kerry Palmer. The program consists of a beginning program at St. Bede Elementary School, led by Mr. Jim Valieant; concert bands at the Middle School and High School campuses; and a marching band that will take the field for the first time during the upcoming 2006 football season.

Congratulations to Mr. Palmer, Mr. Valient and all the band members for such success—in just two years!

Pictured: Members of the Montgomery Catholic Band, Toni Profio, Lindsay Avant, Thomas Herge, Adam Benedict, and Lindsay Taylor.

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