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2nd Graders Preparing for the Sacraments

As Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School 2nd graders prepare for the Sacraments, the Holy Spirit Campus class learned about the Sacrament of Baptism by having Father Driscoll come and “perform” a Baptism service for a group of baby dolls and “their parents”on Friday, October 19.  Father blessed the classes very own font of water, and baptized each doll. As he did the service, he talked about each step and the importance of each in the Sacrament of Baptism. What a blessing our Catholic faith is!!!!

2nd Graders Preparing for the Sacraments 1
2nd Graders learn about the Sacrament of Baptism
2nd Graders Preparing for the Sacraments 2
1)Caitlin O’Grady, Laura Thomas Zhvania, Alex Litzo, Jake Dean
2) Gabe Russo, Max Barranco, Jack Maloney, Esa Gancayco
3)Mason Sylvester, Fr. Driscoll, Angelina Conceicao, Will Belsterling

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