Montgomery Catholic Students Imagine Whirled Peace with Pinwheels for Peace Art Project
In today’s world, peace needs to become more than just a word. On Friday, September 21, 2007, art students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School will participate in an International art […]
Weatherly Named National Merit Semifinalist
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is proud to announce Jacob Weatherly as a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. The names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 53rd annual National Merit Scholarship Program […]
Mayor’s Assistant Jeff Downes ’85 Speaks to Senior Economics Class
Mr. Jeff Downes, Executive Assistant to Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright and Montgomery Catholic 1985 Alumni, recently spoke to Coach Joe Arban’s senior Economics classes about opportunity costs and their effect […]
Record Number of Girls Attend Montgomery Catholic’s Cheer Camp
The Montgomery Catholic Varsity Cheerleaders hosted 90 girls in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade at their annual cheerleading clinic on Saturday, September 8th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the […]