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Elementary Football & Cheer Banquet held October 23

The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Termite and Pee Wee Football and Cheer teams celebrated the end of their season with a banquet on October 23, 2012.  The banquet took place in the Dolly Barranco Activity Center.  Players, parents and family enjoyed pizza and cake while the head coaches spoke about the teams and awarded all participants with a Trophy.

The Termites (Grades 2 – 4) coached by Bruce Johnson, Jason Morehouse and Rod Bach finished the season with an impressive 6-1 record! The team had wins over St. James 14-8, Lee Scott, 22-0 Lowndes Academy 26-0, Southern 26-0, and two wins over Prattville Christian Academy 35-6 and 14-6.  The highlight of the season for the Termites was on October 13, when the Knights were named Champions of the Rebel Bowl at Lowndes Academy!

Under the direction of Head Coach Matt Binns and assistant coaches Scott Godwin and John Wyatt the Pee Wee team (Grades 5 -6) finished the season with a respectable 3-4-1 record. After starting the season 0-2 the Knights recorded their first victory over SMCA with a 20-12 victory. The victory came at the SMCA Raider Jamboree where the Knights finished in 2nd place. The boys improved every week and the fundamental skills they learned this year will help them as they make the transition to Middle School Football.

The Elementary Cheer program was led under the direction of Kelley Klinger and assisted by Emily Younker.  The Termite team is comprised of girls in Grades 2 – 4, while Pee-Wee team is girls Grades 5 & 6. The teams cheered at every Termite and Pee-Wee game.  At half-time the girls performed a cheer and stunt formation or a dance routine.  The Termite team did a dance to the popular song by Carly Rae Jepsen “Call me Maybe” while the Pee Wee team performed to  “What makes you beautiful” by One Direction.

Congratulations to all of our athletes on their 2012 season!

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