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Each Class at Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede Campus Adopts a Seminarian

Each Class at Montgomery Catholic's St. Bede Campus Adopts a Seminarian 1
Montgomery Catholic’s principal, Miss Laurie Gulley is excited to announce a new campus project. The students at the St. Bede Campus have adopted Seminarians from our Archdiocese, the Archdiocese of Mobile. Miss Gulley said, “we have been working with Fr. Pat Arensberg who is the Associate Director for Vocations in the Archdiocese. Fr. Pat contacted the Seminarians to see, first of all, if they would be interested in participating. Each classroom will receive a photo of their Seminarian. They will write to him (as a class) and let him know that they are praying for him.” Communication plans include the adoptive class contacting their Seminarian on his birthday and at Christmas. In return, the Seminarians have agreed to answer at least two of the class’s letters and to pray for the students as well. Miss Gulley said, “I am excited about this program because it will make real to our students the idea that we must all pray for vocations. Also, every year we collect for the Burse Club which goes towards the education of our Seminarians. How much more will this mean to our students when they actually know and pray for the Seminarian they are helping!”

Pictured is Mrs. Tina Rutland’s first grade class with the first message to their Seminarian Ryan  Dardard.  From left to right, first row: Blake Ankersen, Olivia Harbin, Maggie McNeely, Gabby Mitchell, Elisabeth Shaw; second row: Chayse Jordan, Frances Bach, Henry Dickson, Mary Hardwick, Caiden McMullen; back row: James Smith, Ambrose Barwick and Frances Ann Rogers. 

Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede students in grades K4-6 will participate in the Adopt a Seminarian program during the 2015-16 school year. Which means the school will be actively praying and supporting eight Seminarians this year, continuing the mission of the school and encouraging students to become persons of faith, virtue and wisdom.

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