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Class of 2024 Enjoys First Annual “Cookies with Kindergarten”

Class of 2024 Enjoys First Annual "Cookies with Kindergarten" 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School hosted their first “Cookies with Kindergarten” for the class of 2024 just before school began.  All kindergarten students were invited to enjoy cookies and juice while getting familiar with their new classroom before the first day of school.  Mrs. Redden and Mrs. Wilson greeted the students as they entered, distributed nametags, and introduced the students to their new classmates. 

The students were encouraged to explore the classroom, play in the interactive stations, climb into the reading lofts, and get familiar with the classroom computers.  Parent anxieties about the first day of school were also eased as they met new friends and saw how excited the children were in their new setting. 

Pictured:  Kindergarten student Luke Shatzer enjoys getting familiar with the computer in Mrs. Redden’s class at Montgomery Catholic at “Cookies with Kindergarten.”

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