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Catholic’s Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville

Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 1
1st Place Material Science,
Michael Barber and Emily Talbot

Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 2Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s High School Science Olympiad team competed at the University of Alabama at Huntsville on Saturday, March 4, 2017. The team brought home 5 top three awards including: 1st Place Material Science, Michael Barber and Emily Talbot; 2nd Place Optics, James Avery and Henry Petters; 3rd Place Remote Sensing,  Michael Barber and Henry Petters; 3rd Place Hover Craft, Chris DeJesus; and finally 2nd Place Robot Arm, Adam Bristol and Michael Barber. Science and math teachers Elizabeth Harbin, Jeanene Crenshaw, Joe Profio and Monica Hamell coached and assisted the team. Congratulations to these students on a job well done.

While visiting the Huntsville Space Center the students also met space engineer Mr. Charlie Johnson, who designed the hydraulics on the Saturn V. Junior, Luke Craig asked him if we really went to the moon.

Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 3
2nd Place Optics,

James Avery and Henry Petters
Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 4
2nd Place Robot Arm,
Adam Bristol and Michael Barber
Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 5
3rd Place Hover Craft,
Chris DeJesus
Catholic's Science Olympiad Team Successful in Huntsville 6
3rd Place Remote Sensing,
Michael Barber and Henry Petters

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